There is nothing better than the Carolina sunshine warming your skin while you’re at the beach. You’re ready to make memories playing in the saltwater and building sand castles with the family. The last thing on your mind is everything that could go wrong. Rip currents, jellyfish stings, and third degree burns are all things that you need to be prepared for before hitting the sand. Below you will find a selection of Holden Beach safety tips to prevent any injuries at the beach as well as advice on dealing with injuries when they occur. These tips are for minor injuries only and for immediate medical attention or severe injuries, please call 911.
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Burnt To A Crisp – Sunburn
All winter you wait for the warmth of the sun and you crave the way your skin turns brown and your hair lightens to match the bright days of summer. Our bodies are designed to soak up the sun, in fact we need it. Your body creates vitamin D when your skin is exposed to the sun’s rays and we need this vitamin to help absorb calcium and promote bone growth. However, stay out in the sun too long or forget to put on sunscreen and you’ll find yourself getting burnt! Here are a few helpful tips to avoid leaving the beach impersonating a lobster.
How To Prevent Sunburn:
- Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water.
- Wear sunscreen and reapply per instruction.
- Don’t forget your hat and sunglasses.
- Wear clothing with an ultraviolet protection factor.
- Seek shade. Take a break from the rays!
It’s easy to lose track of the time and forget to reapply your sunscreen or fall asleep on the beach and wake up resembling a tomato. We have all been there. Take a look below to see a few tips to easy your pain.
How To Treat Sunburn:
- Take a COOL shower. Hot water will dry your skin out and cause more discomfort.
- Apply aloe.
- Wear loose-fitting clothes.
- Leave blisters alone and let them heal on their own.
- Take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory.
- Take a sweet tea bath, hold the sugar! Seep 7-8 tea bags in a bathtub with cool water and hop in. This helps remove the sting of the burn, trust us on this one!

Float Like A Beach Ball, Sting Like A Jellyfish? – Jellyfish Sting Safety Tips
Imagine it’s a hot summer day and the sparkling ocean water is calling your name. You’re out enjoying a swim when out of nowhere you feel this burning sensation;, you’ve been stung by a jellyfish. Over the years you may have heard numerous ways to treat a jellyfish sting, some say shaving cream and others say “have a friend urinate on it” (Don’t do that, that’s gross!). So what are you supposed to do if you get stung by a Jellyfish? Follow these steps and you’ll be back in the water in no time!
- First apply vinegar to the sting. The vinegar deactivates the venomous nematocysts that jellyfish release.
- Check for any lingering tentacles, if you see any remove them with tweezers. DO NOT use your fingers as the tentacles can still sting you.
- Treat any discomfort with a mild hydro-cortisone cream.
Be familiar with what jellyfish look like and keep an eye out for them in the water:

Rip Currents: What to do – Beach Safety
As waves travel from deep to shallow water, they break near the shoreline. When waves break strongly in some locations and weakly in others, this can cause circulation cells which are seen as rip currents: narrow, fast-moving belts of water traveling offshore. According to the United States Lifesaving Association over 100 people die each year due to rip currents. If you find yourself caught in a rip current, remember these tips.
- Remain calm and don’t fight the current.
- Fighting the current will get you nowhere and will deplete your energy fast, instead of fighting the current, swim parallel to the shore.
- Once out of the current, swim back to shore at an angle following the breaking waves.
- If you feel like you are unable to swim, draw attention to yourself by yelling and waving your arms while you float.
- Jetties and piers often cause permanent rip currents, stay at least 100 feet from these structures to avoid getting caught in the current.
- Before heading to the beach always remember to check the local weather for rip current advisories.