Grab your pole and gas up the boat, let’s go fishing!
One of the best things about Holden Beach is the fishing. There’s a type of fishing for everyone. Net fishing, pole fishing, gigging, inshore and offshore fishing, early morning trips and fishing in the dark. Whether you’re sport fishing or catching dinner, here’s what you need to know.

You don’t have to go miles offshore to catch the big one! The waters surrounding Holden Beach are full of fish. Drum, Sea Bass, Croaker, Flounder, Pinfish and Spot can all be caught in the “Skinny Waters”. The Skinny Waters consist of the ICW and rivers along the coast. The waters are calm and the landscape beautiful, making it a great way to spend the day on the water.

Just a few miles offshore the fish get big! Jump on your boat or book a fishing charter and get ready to catch Blues, Spanish and King Mackerel, Bonito, Trout and more. These fish are fighters, once you hook one the reel starts screaming! Set the throttle to a nice trolling pace and soon you’ll have a bite. Focus on trolling over artificial reefs and bait pods and remember to keep your lines in the water straight. If you prefer bottom fishing Sea Bass and Trout are always looking for a free meal.
If you are new to fishing or a seasoned veteran, Holden Beach is the place to be. The local area offers numerous fishing charters and boat rentals. Located in southeastern North Carolina the water temperature provides fishing just about year-round making it the perfect place for anglers.
Want to know more on how to “catch the big one”? Keep reading below for helpful info!
Lockwood Folly 2019 Tide Chart
Local Fishing Charters
Fin-Fisher Charters:
Ollie Raja Charters:
Phone: 910-367-2998
Rigged & Ready:
Phone: 910-448-3474
Catch 22 Charters:
Phone: 910-2633097